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Sugar and spice and all things nice

‘’Then one day, when you least expect it, the great adventure finds you.’’ – Ewan Mcgregor

Today I found a rare few minutes of "free time". Instead of watching an episode of Breaking Bad (which I am so late in starting to watch) I actually decided to sit down and get back to writing! This year has by far been the craziest and most challenging. 2018 has been a year of adventure. Although it is not over yet I can definitely say that I have been tested emotionally, physically and spiritually. With all these tests came immense growth in all aspects already mentioned and it is definitely a never- ending process.

So what's different this time around you may ask? Well, I'm still going to be doing a lot of reflection about things that have happened this year BUT I've decided to try something new too :) Not only are there exciting milestones coming up that I will be writing about but I will also be including the occasional post about sugar and spice and all things nice. In other words I will also focus on things that I am really interested in- for example, posting about fitness, baking, pets, beauty etc. This not only allows everyone the opportunity to get to know the fun and quirky side of me but also allows me to share about products I've come across or even heard about that are really cool. So watch this space!! Let the adventures continue...

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